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  • 影片名称:科图柯诺反叛
  • 演员:尼科拉·科斯特-瓦尔道
  • 导演:
  • 影片分类:战争片
  • 上映年代:0
  • 更新时间:2015-07-01 18:24:34
战争片《科图柯诺反叛》版由尼科拉·科斯特-瓦尔道...主演,0年在欧美地区发行。道理非常简单,追随英雄随时都可能离玩家而去,而且未必会百分百听玩家指挥,而副英雄不会。但塔米莉亚不一样,大飞和塔米莉亚的关系别的玩家无法撼动,因为塔米莉亚的本命圣藤就在大飞的飞翔号上,只要飞翔号是大飞的,塔米莉亚几乎没有背叛的可能。尼尔斯高普返回***,给了他几个奖项和提名二十年前与Ofelas 。这一次,我们发现自己在十九世纪中叶处于明显之间的冲突的性质爱好拉普和剥削在挪威***,高普期待成立有点像扭转西部。不幸的是,冲突并不是特别好动机来自任何一方的观点,和电影的前提是强迫和策划从去获得。背景叛乱是认为大多数历史学家作为不同,但在这部影片中,有一个反复出现的,而不是过于微妙放大的两个最明显的因素:教会和酒精。 ……[英文剧情简介]Nils Gaup returns to the territory that gave him a handful of awards and nominations twenty years prior with Ofelas. This time, we find ourselves in the mid 19th century in the midst of a conflict between obviously nature-loving Lapps and exploitive Norwegians in a dispute that Gaup looks to set up as something like a reversed western. Unfortunately, the conflict is not particularly well motivated from neither party"s point of view, and the film"s premise seems forced and plotted from the get go. The background for the rebellion is argued by most historians as being diversed, but in this film, there is a recurring and not too subtle amplification of the two most visible elements: the church and the alcohol.   What should have been a potent film, is only so in segments. Most of the blame must go to Gaup"s at times lacklustre craftmanship (the sets and camera angles does little to enhance the spatial feel) and one-note acting (Sundquist is completely ill-placed and Persbrandt"s acting is mostly showing off). Kautokeino-oppgj?ret doesn"t come alive until the very end, but by then there has been too many large words and pompous explanations. Compared to Ofelas, this film doesn"t give a very nuanced portrait of the life of the Lapps. Only the flocks of reindeer seem to be up for the task Gaup had in mind.感谢点播《科图柯诺反叛》,在这里你可以观看最新好看的电影、电视剧,我们24小时不间断更新,领先网络发布,感谢您对211电影网的支持和厚爱!